S5E44: Strategy Sprints: Creating an Agile Business

What do wealthy and successful people have in common? Mastering the art of organization and efficiency. Processes are a key ingredient to their success. If you want to join their ranks, then you need to start optimizing your own processes. Don’t worry—it’s not as daunting as it sounds!

Simon Severino, the author of Strategy Sprints, joins me to talk about optimizing your processes and accelerating growth to create an agile, successful business.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Optimize your processes
  • Be agile
  • Offer people what they need
  • Use emails for sales
  • Go on a vacation

Episode Highlights:

[04:26] The Importance of Processes

The first years of running a business aren’t fun. You want to have zero people risk, and you can do that by creating great processes. Break down your processes with these steps: Find out what’s working and what’s not. Map out what’s working and create the core valuation process. Pick one to turn into the flagship offer. Optimize it every week.

[09:02] Strategy Sprints Method

The Strategy Sprints method aims to double your revenue in 90 days by simplifying what you do and scaling what’s working. It entails mapping your current value creation system and improving the sales in each of those elements. 

[11:04] Being Agile

Agility means being able to change as quickly as the market is changing. Offer people what they need. Send out emails multiple times a week. Aim for an open rate of 45% and a 3% click rate.

Social media is a marketing instrument, so use it only for awareness. Warm emails, cold emails, and cold calling are the best tools to use for sales.

[27:10] Optimizing Sales Funnels 

Do you have multiple sales funnels? Pick one problem of one customer segment, then start optimizing a sales machine for 90 days. When you get 50% conversion rates and consistent cash flow, you can stack a second problem or additional offer.

[33:48] Why You Need a Vacation

Vacations can be used to see how well your systems and processes are running when left on their own. Are they self-correcting and self-adapting mechanisms? Or are they dependent on you? If it’s the latter, then it’s not scalable.

[33:48] How to Optimize Processes

Pick one offer and optimize it for the next 90 days. Follow these steps: describe the three main pain points, figure out the main problem, create an offer, map out how to get them interested and engaged, put together an email list and communicate consistently.

Notable quotes from the Episode: 

[05:37] “You cannot do 50k, 60k, 100k per month by doing the same things. So we have to help you write down what you’re doing. Systemize it.”

[13:49] “Offer the people that you are here to serve the one thing that they need.”

[26:02] “Sales is commercial teaching.”

Resources Mentioned:

Strategy Sprints by Simon Severino

Connect with Wyatt Graves: LinkedIn | Website

The Mentee Podcast: Website | Apple | Spotify

Connect with Simon Severino: Website

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