S5E37: How to Start Your Wealth Journey Now

We shouldn’t avoid open conversations about money. Conversations create options—the more options we have, the more open doors there are to a fulfilling wealthy life. 

Aaron Velky, CEO of Money Club joins me to talk about how you can grow your potential when it comes to money and create whole-life wealth. Could you possibly do more with your current income? How can you become wiser and more responsible with money?

Tune in to the episode to change your life for the better and learn powerful money hacks!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Set aside money
  • Overcome the fear of firsts
  • Build your credit
  • Design your future self

Episode Highlights:

[11:20] The Four Wisdoms to Creating Whole-Life Wealth 

Whole-life wealth refers to wealth as something that allows you to live your version of the good life. The four pieces of Aaron’s wealth creation formula are: a) Investable income, b) Accumulation of assets, c) Leverage, and d) Time.

[18:32] Automate Your Savings

Pennies make dollars. No matter how much you are earning, always set aside a part of it. Make a separate savings account or use a good savings app. You can automate that “little” to be something greater for later. 

[25:10] Begin Before You Win

Ask yourself: what is the lowest barrier to entry? Just enter the game. Begin before you try to win. Winning comes later. Once you learn how it works, you can aim bigger.

[32:01] Build Your Credit 

Credit creates leverage. It opens doors of opportunities since it establishes that you can be trusted with those opportunities. When you build credit, you expand the limits of your financial reach. Don’t be afraid to use your credit card.

[39:15] Design Your Future

Learn to build a balance between the now and the later. The time equation to whole-life wealth is all about making trades between the present and the future. Be intentional in designing a better quality of life for yourself.

Notable quotes from the Episode: 

[13:31] “The fear of first is usually really tall, and the fear of first is what keeps us from the second.”

[39:29] “Your choices today, one way or another, have a ripple effect into the future.”

[46:46] “Think of your money out like a river, a flow. Where you point that river changes what rewards you get.”

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Wyatt Graves: LinkedIn | Website

The Mentee Podcast: Website | Apple | Spotify

Connect with Aaron Velky: Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Website

Money Club: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

GoBundance Membership

Black Savings App

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