“Quantum physics” may sound intimidating, but it is a valuable tool for personal and professional success. Energy makes up everything around you, including yourself. By connecting and transforming that energy to your advantage, you can reach your goals and succeed.

In this episode of The Mentee Podcast, Trevor G. Blake, entrepreneur, physicist, and author, shares his advice on achieving success with financial independence. He discusses the observer effect and reframing your thoughts, quantum entanglement in his business model, and raising your energy frequency to unlock transformation. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

[10:09] Setting Your Expectations

Energy makes up our thoughts. We set things in motion by focusing on the ideal scenario we want to happen. In quantum physics, this is known as the observer effect. It’s best to avoid having a scarcity mindset or risk setting yourself up for failure.

[16:23] Applying Quantum Entanglement to the Hub Model

In quantum physics, quantum entanglement is how particles connect. Trevor put this into practice in his company by using a hub model. Rather than having a hierarchy of employees, he engages with contracts and vendors, creating peer-to-peer relationships.

[24:10] Kick-starting Intuition

Using quantum physics in your personal and professional life requires developing your intuition. Start by taking notice of your thoughts and reframing them to match the positive outcome you desire. To get where you want to go, you must first understand your thoughts.

[39:28] Unlocking Transformation

Trevor suggests starting your transformation journey with his mini mind movie technique. However, he warns that to master a technique, you must first master a repertoire of other methods. It’s essential to have a foundation of knowledge. 

Paint the perfect picture of what you want to happen using the mind movie technique. Replay that movie whenever you find yourself thinking negatively.

Resources Mentioned:

Trevor’s website

Trevor’s first published book

Trevor’s course

Neville Goodard’s books

Madame C.J. Walker’s biography

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