S5E18: The Power of Conversations, Intentionality, and Behavior toward the Good Life

What does a good life look like for you?

Sometimes, we get trapped in the life we’re expected to live. Think about the life you truly want. That life is the good life you deserve — and it’s valid whether other people expect it of you or not.

In this episode of The Mentee Podcast, Wyatt shares the things he learned throughout the years of hosting the podcast. He discusses how to gain clarity on your goals, act with intent towards them, and achieve extraordinary success.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Knowing what you want leads you to success
  • The good life is about being clear on who and what you want to become
  • Work on bridging the gap, but remember to celebrate your gains
  • Join conversations that will bring you closer to your goals
  • With intentional and consistent behavior, you’ll find motivation

[00:46] The Hack For Extraordinary Success

The good life is whatever you want your life to be. Define your purpose: your big “why.” Once you find clarity around your future self, you can make intentional decisions and steps towards your desired good life.

Through Jim Rohn’s quote, Jeff Woods discovered a hack, “You become like the five people you spend the most time with.” When you get clear on who and what you want to become, you should find other people living that life and build a relationship with them. That’s the path towards success.

[08:31] The Good Life

The good life is a life that you choose, free from regrets. It differs for each person, but you need a clear vision of your goal.

Bronnie Ware asked people on their deathbed about their regrets and that many people wished they dared to live the life they wanted instead of what other people expected of them.

[13:48] The Gap and the Gain

When you get clear on where you want to go, you create a baseline of where you are now and your desired future. The space between the baseline and goal is “the gap.”

A life of intentionality makes it easier to focus on your goal. While moving towards that goal, you make gains in many areas. Your baseline will continue to rise as you progress. Don’t focus too much on the gap; celebrate the gains — all your achievements and blessings — by practicing gratitude.

[17:53] The Power of Conversations

You grow into the conversations around you. Get clear about where you want to be and find conversations around that goal.

Treat your goals as if you have a relationship with them. Spend time with them and surround yourself with conversations about them. Once you do that, you’ll be able to grow into those conversations and achieve your goals. It’s a long game; life might beat you up, but don’t stay down. Act with intention.

[22:53] How to Find Motivation

Behavior comes before motivation. Sometimes, you might lack motivation, but creating the right environment through scheduling, conversations, accountability groups, etc., can help keep you going.

Resources Mentioned:

Extend Your Life: A Physical Fitness Journey with Howard Aaron

Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware

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