S2E63: How Can You Make the Impossible Possible? – with Steve Sims

Do you ever catch yourself thinking about something and believing it’s not possible?

Many of us have these big dreams and don’t realize just how much relationships play in helping us achieve our dreams. Stop ignoring how important relationships are and start taking action to add value to the people that matter most in your life.

Steve Sims has made the impossible possible for a lot of people. He is the author of Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen and the Founder of Bluefish, a concierge service for the elite of the elite. If you want to visit the Titanic, get married by the Pope, or have dinner at the footsteps of Michelangelo’s David while being serenaded by Andrea Bocelli, Steve is the man who can make it happen – and he can do that because of the relationships he has formed.

In this episode we share with you three ways how to start making anything in your life possible:

1. First, screw vision boards, have a focus board.
2. Second, start getting in rooms with people who have failed a lot.
3. Third, screw Bitcoin relationships are the key.

There is a big lesson in this episode guys… how you can make the impossible possible?


Links & Tools From This Episode
* https://www.tasteofblue.com
* https://www.thebluefish.com
* http://www.stevedsims.com
* http://www.menteepodcast.com

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