S4E18: The Power Of Quantum Physics With Ron Patulski

We can only move to the light we’ve uncovered inside of ourselves.

Being aware of your programming, beliefs, and the way you are living verses the life you envision unlocks choices, opportunity, and happiness.

To learn more about creating awareness, the law of attraction, the power of being, and how to match the frequency of the reality you want, tune into episode 18.

A lot of changes have been brought into my world recently, and I knew I needed to do something different, mainly that I needed to re-evaluate my day to day patterns to see what I needed to change. Ron Patulski’s name has been coming up in a lot of my conversations recently. Ron is a CPA, business owner, and business performance coach. In my conversations with Ron, I have gained so much insight and awareness on where I am at on my journey to having the life that I want, as well as the programming that I need to shift that is not working for me.

This is why I asked Ron to have a conversation with me. A lot of people do not realize that everything is energy and ultimately starts with them. You have choices and do not have to live a life influenced by your past or beliefs. Ron’s message is universal and it is my hope that our conversation can be a resource on the path to building your good life.

Listen in as we take a deep dive into the quantum physics perspective. We breakdown the cause and effect module, and how this plays into our day to day. We discuss the importance of defining your happiness, being aware of your programming, perception verses projection, and using the law of attraction to manifest relationships, happiness, and the life you desire.

Ron helps others understand a level of happiness that exist and coaches them on where to start when becoming clear on who they want to become and achieving their happiness. From working with Ron, I had an epiphany on my own life as a business owner, how I interact with people, and the type of people I am attracting. What I realized was that I needed to use my energy and mind to attract the type of people that I wanted to work with. Instead, I have attracted other people fighting from my same perspective and programming, and our compounding issues prevented our teams performance.

This is why I am obsessed with my conversation with Ron. The awareness from our conversation is bringing this to my attention. Awareness helps me shift what is not working for me, and creates the choices, opportunity, and energy change that is crucial to my key relationships and good life I envision.

When you’re ready to start taking action on manifesting the reality that you want, listen to episode 18.

Connect with Ron Patulski

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